HGNC gene symbol English (P353)

The official gene symbol approved by the HGNC, which is typically a short form of the gene name. English
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
No label defined
No description defined

    Data type

    External identifier


    Q42415497 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    1 to 14 alphanumeric characters, starting with a letter (uppercase or capitalized); may be suffixed by 1 to 7-digit alphanumeric, separated with a dash (English)
    0 references
    See [https://www.genenames.org/about/guidelines#Appendix1 syntax details] (English)
    0 references
    Q414043 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q407983 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21503250 (Deleted Item)
    relation English
    Q30208840 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21502404 (Deleted Item)
    1 to 14 alphanumeric characters, starting with a letter (uppercase or capitalized); may be suffixed by 1 to 7-digit alphanumeric, separated with a dash (English)
    0 references
    Q21502410 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q19474404 (Deleted Item)
    Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
    Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
    Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
    Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    1 reference
    Q108538446 (Deleted Item)