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Solana itself

Solana is a blockchain that focuses on improving the scaling factor, as well as the speed and cost of transaction. A ledger that has been fully committed to sharding enables this. It also has built-in privacy features like zk-SNARKS cryptography to protect your data from snooping third parties. In addition, it will have a state-of-the-art evolution strategy and safety measures so that users of this platform can enjoy greater credibility when transacting with each other or with third party authorities on their own terms. Solana is projected to be able to handle up to 50.000 TPS (transactions per second) without losing decentralization or compromising its governance model.

Key Concepts:

· Speed with Proof of History (PoH): Solana uses a unique system called Proof of History to keep track of time, making transactions incredibly fast, targeting 65,000 transactions per second.

· Security with Proof of Stake (PoS): Instead of energy-intensive mining, Solana uses PoS, where validators secure the network by staking Solana tokens (SOL), enhancing security.

· Scalability: Solana's design allows it to grow and handle more users and DApps without slowing down.

· Low Fees: Solana offers affordable transaction costs, making it suitable for everyday use.

· Innovations like Turbine and Gulf Stream: These systems help process thousands of transactions in parallel and optimize storage, further boosting efficiency.


  • Solana is called a high-speed blockchain because it achieves block times of 400 ms and is capable of handling more than 50,000 transactions per second because it uses a proprietary timestamping system: proof of history (PoH)
  • The core team behind Solana is high profile with former employees from Qualcomm, Apple, Dropbox, Intel, Microsoft, etc.
  • Solana received large investments of over $25 million in 2019 from major investors including Multicoin Capital, Foundation Capital, Distributed Global, Blocktower Capital, NGC Capital, and Rockaway Ventures.

In essence, Solana is a blockchain that has been designed to scale to meet the demands of every day users and large corporations with greater ease. You can even incorporate your data into the Solana network and not be censored for doing so.


Table-1 Price History of Solana

Historical Trends:

  • Solana (SOL) started trading in March 2020 at a low price, typically below $1 USD.
  • In 2020, SOL's price remained relatively stable, but in 2021, it experienced significant growth, surpassing $10 USD by April.
  • SOL's price continued to surge throughout 2021, reaching an all-time high of over $200 USD in May 2021.
  • Like many cryptocurrencies, SOL's price is subject to volatility, experiencing both rapid increases and corrections.

Solana Price Analysis:

  • Meanwhile, SOL is trading at $19.79 at the time of publication, which would potentially offer the possibility for Solana investors to gain 900% for purchases made at this moment if this layer-1 blockchain native token ever meets previous demand.
  • Comparatively, the current price is -92.39% lower than the all-time high price.
  • Interestingly, the current yearly inflation rate should be somewhere between 5% and 5.5%, but the nominal staking APY is at 7.57%, according to Solana Beach Block Explorer. The staking APY varies according to the total staked amount of SOL, weighted by the current inflation rate.
  • Besides the circulating supply and the infinite maximum supply, Solana also has a vested (or locked) supply of 147.751 million SOL, by press time. These vested tokens will be released over time by Solana Labs, Solana Foundation, team members, and private investors, also impacting the token’s value through inflation (or monetary expansion).

Predicting 2023:

  • Predicting cryptocurrency prices, including Solana, is highly uncertain and speculative.
  • Factors such as market sentiment, adoption, technology updates, and regulatory changes can influence prices.
  • ·To predict the price of Solana in 2023, it's crucial to consider expert analyses and consult financial sources.
  • ·Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it's essential to do thorough research and consider your financial situation and risk tolerance.

History of Solana

  • Solana was formed in 2017 and has been around for almost four years, having been started off as a fork of Ethereum. Much like its code base, Solana is looking to disrupt the cryptocurrency industry by providing a more secure and scalable solution than what is currently available.
  • Solana has been in production since June 2018 and its mainnet went into operation in Q3 2018. The team has varying backgrounds which include distributed systems, cryptography and network security, all of which are very relevant to the blockchain industry.
  • Solana has a very active developer community and regularly releases blogs on Medium and hosts live interviews with their development team on YouTube.

Utility of Solana

  • Solana is a decentralized blockchain built to enable scalable, user-friendly apps for the world.” It’s a similar mission statement for other utilitarian networks. Essentially, decentralized protocols facilitate a better way of conducting business.
  • Implicit in this understanding, though, is the concept of financial access and democratization. To be clear, I’m not sure where the executives behind the Solana project stand regarding their broader social goals. But blockchain advocates have long stated that the greater efficiencies of decentralized protocols allow for developing communities to integrate themselves to a wider financial ecosystem.
  • Under the traditional fiat currency system, microtransactions are difficult to conduct because the costs associated with such transactions may exceed the value of the currencies being transacted. Thus, large institutions don’t even bother with developing communities, leaving their economies languishing. Theoretically, a high-speed, low-cost network like Solana could address the indirect discrimination that the harsh realities of microtransactions impose.

Use Cases

1. Teleport — Uber of Web3

Uber disrupted the taxi industry, democratising transportation and enabling ordinary folks like you and I to make an earning driving passengers in our own vehicles.No expensive taxi licences needed.Web3 is primed to supercharge this trend by decentralising Uber’s business model that will allow drivers to share in much more of the spoils.Vitalik Buterin talked up the potential of decentralised ride-sharing more than five years ago, but it has taken awhile for a project with the right model to really take off. Uber commands an estimated 72% of the US ride-sharing market, connecting drivers to riders and takes a significant cut of the fee. Teleport removes this intermediary, connecting drivers and passengers through a decentralised marketplace of ride-sharing apps that’s primed to foster innovation while better rewarding users. The project recently completed a $9 million seed raise to build out its prototype on Solana.

2. Hivemapper — Google Maps of Web3

In 2006, Google began hiring casual drivers to map out the now-ubiquitous Google Street View. You were paid on a contract-basis to drive certain routes in a special Google-owned vehicle retrofitted with a 360 camera on the roof. An interesting gig that certainly got a lot of looks on the street! Say hello to 2022. Hivemapper just launched the world’s first crypto-enabled dashcam that enables anyone to earn rewards for driving their vehicle and contributing imagery.You will be paid HONEY tokens for your trouble, with your earnings based on three factors: coverage, freshness and quality. All in all, Hivemapper is the crowdsourced, decentralised version of Google Maps, that’s built on Solana.Firstly, retrofitting cars with big camera rigs and hiring dedicated contract drivers is expensive. This means maps aren’t updated too frequently.Using the power of crowdsourcing, Hivemapper leverages thousands of vehicles driving around at a fraction of the cost. This results in a lower-cost, up-to-date map that businesses pay for — a share of which is distributed to drivers in the form of HONEY tokens. The global mapping industry is worth $300 billion a year, with tech companies like Google, Apple, MapBox and OpenStreetMap all vying for a slice of the pie. In 2018, Uber paid Google $28 million alone to use the Google Maps API in their app! Now it’s easy for ordinary folks to get in on the action.

3. Render — Decentralized GPU Rendering

The Render Network makes that possible, enabling on-demand rendering by connecting idle GPU resources on my computer to an eager user somewhere else in the world who need to spin up a job in a jiffy. The user will pay me RNDR tokens for rendering their job. This is an incredible use case that fulfils a real and well-established business need. What’s interesting is the pedigree of the team. Render Network was created by Otoy, a software company founded by Jules Urbach, a long-time industry pioneer who founded the Academy-Award winning company LightStage that has been involved in Hollywood productions like Avatar. You are looking at a team of graphics and rendering experts that has been at the forefront of their industry for a number of years before blockchain technology even took off. Urbach simply saw an opportunity to democratise his expertise and rendering technology for the masses when smart contracts platforms became sufficiently mature. Rendering jobs on the network are performed by Otoy’s OctaneRender engine, which is, according to the team, the world’s first and fastest unbiased, spectrally correct GPU render engine, delivering quality and speed unrivalled by any production renderer on the market. Urbach has been talking up the metaverse since 2016, way before it blew up in the wake of Facebook’s rebranding into Meta. The Render Network is a Solana-based project.

4. Helium — Be Your Own Telco Company

Helium can be best thought of as a decentralized infrastructure provider. Anyone can buy inexpensive hardware and become their own telco provider, servicing IoT, wifi and cellular 4G/5G coverage in the vicinity of their hotspot to other users and earn crypto for doing so. This is a revolutionary idea because the telecommunications industry has traditionally been incredibly difficult to crack into. Many companies are government-operated and need to invest millions in telco infrastructure and navigate a labyrinth of regulations before being fit to service a country’s wireless communications needs. Helium began in 2018 as a decentralized IoT provider. A window of opportunity opened when the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opened up and made available an unlicensed block of spectrum (3.55 GHz to 3.7 GHz) to ordinary folks to use. CEO Amir Haleem jumped on the opportunity to expand their scope from IoT into more mainstream wireless communications, like wifi and 4G/5G cellular. In 2022, Helium migrated from their own blockchain onto Solana in order to scale for tomorrow. To participate, users purchase and set up a Helium Miner which will earn a passive income of HNT tokens. Helium is ultimately about people-powered networks. We might just be witnessing the beginning of a new wireless revolution.

5. STEPN — Gamified Fitness

Need a kick in the butt to leave your desk and get some regular exercise? How does getting paid for it sound? Enter STEPN, a pioneering web3 lifestyle app that took the world by storm in early 2022, spurring an entire industry of move & earn apps. The premise is simple — buy a pair of NFT sneakers and earn cryptocurrency (GST & GMT tokens) while going on daily walks, jogs or runs. Use these tokens to level up in the game or cash out into stablecoins. The app is currently available on Solana, BNB Chain and Ethereum.

Crypto Market in General

Ethereum is a pioneer in smart contract technology, since its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) enables programmers to write smart contracts in a number of programming languages. However, because of network congestion, transaction costs have increased, making the platform less accessible for minor transactions. This is something that Solana and Polygon excel at.

Solana and Polygon have been developed with high throughput and quick transaction speeds, making them appropriate for applications requiring inexpensive and quick transactions. Solana can process up to 65,000 transactions per second, whereas Ethereum can only handle approximately 30 transactions per second. Polygon (formerly Matic Network) is a Layer 2 scaling solution that enables rapid, low-cost transactions and allows developers to build decentralized applications on top of it.

All three Blockchain systems use Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithms to ensure security, which requires users to stake tokens in order to participate in the validation process. Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithms consume less energy than Proof of Work (PoW) algorithms, making them a more environmentally friendly choice for Blockchain technologies. On the other hand, Solana’s PoS consensus process is meant to be more secure than Ethereum’s, giving protection from a range of threats.

The interoperability of Solana and Polygon across chains is an additional advantage. Solana was built with interoperability in mind, allowing it to connect with other Blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Polygon, on the other hand, is a Layer 2 scaling solution that can be easily integrated with Ethereum, enabling decentralized applications to access the Ethereum network while benefiting from Polygon’s faster and cheaper transactions.

Solana and Polygon offer scaling solutions for Layer 2 that enable developers to create dApps with cheap transaction fees, making them more accessible to the general public. Ethereum 2.0 will be more scalable and energy-efficient than its predecessor. However, the shift to the new PoS consensus algorithm and sharding technology is still happening, and it may take some time to get the full benefits of Ethereum 2.0.

DeFi and NFTs are two of the most common use cases for Blockchain technology, and they are completely supported by all three Blockchain systems. With Solana and Polygon’s faster and cheaper transactions, developers may build DeFi applications and NFT marketplaces that are more accessible to a larger audience.

Solana, Polygon, and Ethereum are all advanced Blockchain technologies that offer a unique set of characteristics. Solana and Polygon feature faster and cheaper transactions, cross-chain interoperability, more secure PoS consensus methods, and robust support for DeFi and NFT use cases, whereas Ethereum was the first to provide smart contracts. As the cryptocurrency market evolves, it is vital to comprehend the pros and cons of each technology in order to make well-informed decisions regarding their application.


1. Hela

Hela envisions Web 3.0 as a platform that empowers individuals with complete authority over their digital assets and data. This is made possible through an innovative decentralized identity management system, which establishes trust and security within transactions. By prioritizing the user’s needs, this approach enriches the overall digital experience and nurtures a sense of ownership within the realm of blockchain technology. Notably, Hela distinguishes itself with its state-of-the-art privacy safeguards, effectively harmonizing privacy and transparency to meet regulatory standards making it one of the competitor of Sola. Operating as a Layer 1 blockchain protocol, Hela holds the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including finance and supply chain management, thereby reshaping interactions within the decentralized landscape of Web 3.0.

2. Ethereum

Ethereum, the trailblazer of blockchain-based smart contracts, is on the brink of a transformative upgrade known as Ethereum 2.0. This eagerly anticipated evolution holds the promise of addressing Ethereum’s scalability issues by introducing a shard-based architecture, which enables the network to process multiple transactions concurrently. Simultaneously, Ethereum is poised for a transition from its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism to a more eco-friendly proof-of-stake system. This shift not only aims to enhance the network’s efficiency and reduce its environmental impact but also positions Ethereum as a formidable competitor of Solana, another rising star in the blockchain arena, as both platforms vie for dominance in the rapidly expanding landscape of decentralized applications and crypto-based services.

3. Cardano

Cardano, a decentralized proof-of-stake blockchain, emerges as a formidable competitor of Solana while aiming to reshape the blockchain landscape fundamentally. Through its innovative proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, Cardano not only rivals Solana but also pioneers a more efficient and sustainable path forward. This visionary approach not only reduces energy consumption and environmental impact, echoing the global call for eco-friendly practices, but also elevates transaction speed and scalability to new heights. Cardano’s commitment to creating a sustainable and inclusive blockchain ecosystem aligns seamlessly with its overarching goal, presenting a harmonious fusion of technological advancement and environmental responsibility.

4. Polkadot

Polkadot, a cutting-edge blockchain platform, has garnered significant attention in the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralized technologies. Developed by the Web3 Foundation, Polkadot introduces a novel approach to blockchain interoperability and scalability, distinguishing itself as a formidable competitor of Solana. At its core, Polkadot employs a unique multichain architecture that enables various blockchains to operate in tandem, facilitating seamless communication and data exchange. This innovative design not only enhances scalability and efficiency but also fosters a collaborative ecosystem where different specialized blockchains, or “parachains,” can interact and share resources securely.

5. Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has gained widespread recognition for its remarkable ability to offer rapid transaction speeds and remarkably low fees, making it a preferred choice for a diverse range of users. This blockchain platform, established as a competitor of Solana among others, has effectively harnessed innovative consensus mechanisms to ensure swift and efficient processing of transactions. Its parallel chain architecture, featuring a dual-chain setup, allows BSC to maintain high throughput while maintaining cost-effectiveness, enabling decentralized applications (dApps) to run seamlessly and cater to a growing user base.

6. Kadena

Kadena, a blockchain project founded by a team of seasoned JP Morgan executives, emerges as a formidable competitor of Solana by focusing on two pivotal pillars: scalability and security. The platform’s ingenious architecture incorporates a remarkable infrastructure of 20 interwoven chains, facilitating seamless parallel processing and significantly boosting transaction throughput. This revolutionary design guarantees the network’s ability to manage a substantial volume of transactions without compromising either performance or security. By synergizing the proficiency of financial industry veterans with cutting-edge blockchain technology,

7. Algorand

Introducing a revolutionary approach to true decentralization, our platform leverages the innovative Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism, ensuring unparalleled security and energy efficiency. This groundbreaking technology sets us apart as a leading competitor of Solana, redefining the landscape of blockchain ecosystems. With PPoS, participants can actively engage in network decision-making while minimizing environmental impact, establishing a new era of sustainable and community-driven blockchain solutions.

8. Avalanche

A groundbreaking platform, distinguished by its unwavering emphasis on seamless interoperability and the remarkable achievement of sub-second transaction finalization, emerges as a potent contender in the blockchain arena. This platform, often hailed as a notable competitor of Solana, not only empowers diverse ecosystems to seamlessly collaborate and share information across different blockchain networks but also astounds the industry with its remarkable ability to swiftly confirm transactions, setting new standards for efficiency and speed in the decentralized landscape.

9. Secret Network

At the forefront of cutting-edge blockchain technology, this Layer 1 blockchain platform, a notable competitor of Solana, is meticulously constructed upon the robust and secure Cosmos/Tendermint framework. While sharing common ground with its peers, its distinguishing hallmark lies in its unwavering commitment to ensuring paramount user privacy. Through a pioneering approach, the platform not only facilitates encrypted smart contract operations but also elevates the safeguarding of sensitive data and transactions to an unprecedented level, effectively shielding them from prying eyes.

10.Harmony (ONE)

Harmony, a Layer 1 blockchain platform and a notable competitor of Solana, places paramount emphasis on decentralization and scaling. By ingeniously amalgamating an array of cutting-edge technologies and ingenious solutions, Harmony strategically endeavors to elevate the functionality and performance benchmarks of its platform. Through its robust decentralized architecture, Harmony steadfastly ensures the prevention of any single entity from exerting full control over the network, thereby significantly fortifying security measures and bolstering resistance against censorship.









Solana Nabia.mujib (talk) 12:02, 8 September 2023 (BST)Reply[reply]