Stockhub:Stockhub development features ideas: Difference between revisions

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|Add donate text and link to menu
|Add donate text and link to menu
|Add the donate text and link to the menu on the Stockhub platform.
|Add the donate text and link to the menu on the Stockhub platform.

Revision as of 17:28, 4 August 2023

Task Task description Manager Targeted start date Targeted completion date
Resolve search function bug for specific page queries Resolve the bug in the search function, allowing users to search for specific pages. RAP 03/07/2023 03/08/2023
Expand Stockhub platform with 100 million data item ingestion Continue with the data dumb, adding around 100 million data items to the Stockhub platform.
Implement country-based investment filtering feature Create a feature that enables users to filter for investments based on the country in which the investment is incorporated.
Implement alphabetical sorting feature for investment list Create a feature that enables users to sort investments based on alphabetical order.
Investment suitability sorting feature development Create a feature that enables users to sort investments based on suitability.
Reduce donation fee to zero Reduce the donation fee on the Stockhub platform, ideally to zero (currently, it's around 3.3%). The donation page can be found by clicking here.
Enabling font colors and table background colors changes Enabling the changes of font colors and table background colors without having to edit the source, similar functionality to bold, italic.
Add donate text and link to menu Add the donate text and link to the menu on the Stockhub platform.