Task Task description Manager Targeted start date Targeted completion date
Search function Fix the search function, enabling users to search for particular pages. RAP 03/07/2023 03/08/2023
Expand Stockhub Platform with 100 Million Data Item Ingestion Continue with the data dumb, adding around 100 million data items to the Stockhub platform.
Implement Country-Based Investment Filtering Feature Create a feature that enables users to filter for investments based on the country in which the investment is incorporated.
Implement Alphabetical Sorting Feature for Investment List Create a feature that enables users to sort investments based on alphabetical order.
Investment Suitability Sorting Feature Development Create a feature that enables users to sort investments based on suitability.
Reduce donation fee Reduce the donation fee on the Stockhub platform, ideally to zero (currently, it's around 3.3%). The donation page can be found by clicking here.