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Any time, anywhere, any hair. dooo is aiming to drag the hair industry into the 21st century. We are an all-inclusive platform that offers an on-demand specialised home haircut service. Think ‘Uber’ for hair. Order a haircut as quickly & easily as ordering a taxi or a takeaway- wherever, whenever!

  • The Hair & Beauty industry generated over £8bn (UK 2018, Pre-Covid19)
  • Team: very experienced in IT, App Development & Marketing
  • CEO Featured in Bristol/Leicester Live for cutting hair on Mt Everest!
  • Hair has no gender. Attempting to revolutionise the way we cut hair


A good haircut can make you feel empowered, but as a woman with short hair, Jess had some traumatising experiences of haircuts, including being forced to shave her hair and being rejected for cuts due to her gender. This made Jess realise the real power of a good ‘dooo’.

We believe many people of varying ages either struggle to get to a salon, have social anxiety or other mental health issues, and really benefit from at-home services. 21%(14.1 million) of people reported a disability in the UK in 2018 and 49% of people reported social anxiety or other mental health issues. Jess created dooo to help everyone get the haircut they want, wherever they want and has a key motive to overcome the inequalities in the hair industry, by pricing haircuts on style instead of gender.

With dooo, users have the power to control where, when and how they get their haircut. Users can connect with the stylist beforehand and express any special requests to tailor the experience to their requirements

dooo will take 20% commission on every haircut, compared to the average salon taking 40-60%. dooo also plans to have a premium membership for stylists and intends to affiliate with insurance and equipment companies.

The investment raised will be spent developing native mobile apps on both IOS and Android; Marketing and PR strategies including a Bristol Launch in Summer 2021; essential staff wages and admin.


The CEO and Founder, Jess Palfrey started her working life as a Officer Cadet in the Royal Engineers. She travelled the world cutting hair from the depths of the red sea to the base of Mount Everest.

Project Manager - Steve Wyndham-Smith (Part-Time): an Ex-Troop Commander in the Royal Signals.

CMO - Victoria Little (Part-Time): a skilled marketeer, worked with businesses to develop and implement strategies to launch brands, improve performance and maximise opportunities. She has many years of strategic marketing experience, in B2B and B2C markets, working in a variety of sectors, including Hair and Beauty and Automotive like some world-leading Automotive Companies like Jaguar-Landrover.

CTO - Anthony Pickup (Part-Time): many years of experience in IT including design, implementation, delivery & operations of new consumer services. Background in secure mobile applications; banking, e/m-commerce, EMV, contactless payments. Previous director of an eID start-up TickVantage, that won an award for mobile innovation.

Head of Photography - Alyssa Boni (Part-Time): Talented photographer who has directed TV Commercials for Pantene, More Women and a political campaign for Elle Magazine.

Head of Social Media - Natalie Sidebottom (Part-Time): many years of experience in marketing focused on business social accounts including Oceanic UK.