PRYNTD is an immersive on-demand and live-streaming platform. Enabling content creators to create, convert and share 2D content and live streams as immersive experiences. Audiences can access on their smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, Augmented and Virtual Reality devices.

  • Named by Digital Catapult, in Mayor of London Growth With AI Programme
  • Combines AR/VR for on-demand, live-streaming
  • Able to showcase Billboard Number 1s in immersive since June 2021
  • Total website views of 200k, 100+ Artists, 50+ affiliate partnerships


Our proprietary AI algorithm converts 2d videos and live streams into Augmented and Virtual reality, providing creators with the opportunity to monetize through ads, monthly subscriptions, ticketing and Haptic embedded clothing and wearable sold as merchandise.

We aim to improve the accessibility, democratization and monetization of immersive content.

Verizon says "Immersive experiences are the future of entertainment." However our research suggests that issues such as the inability for content creators to create content due to complexity, how expensive and user's accessibility to devices are apparent.

We believe Immersive reality needs to be adaptable to users’ current approach and worthwhile for creators with monetization options.

PRYNTD aims to solve this by making it possible for audiences to access on-demand, live streams on their preferred devices.

Immersive market will grow to $900 Billion by 2026, with Apple, Facebook, Microsoft as key players. PRYNTD aim to meet consumer demand with enhanced experiences, continued access, easy content creation, conversion and monetization.

Named by Digital Catapult, Accepted to Mayor of London Growth With AI programme and part of ACE It cohort. Founder with diploma in machine learning and experienced team.

The investment will be used to help PRYNTD improve our technology, to reach a wider audience, aiming to maximise exposure for creators.


Berne Omolafe – Founder - Attended Capital Enterprise's six week Machine Learning Academy and received an android scholarship with Udacity funded by Google. Has a passion for AR/VR, many years software programming and development experience, having completed work for BBC, Tesco, M&S and previous experience running a startup.…

Natasha Golding- Creative Director – Head of Sales/Marketing – Previous experience as Head of Sales & Marketing.

Jeffrey Hunter (Part-Time)– Head of Events - Experience as previous Head of Events at InHouse Records.

Rennel Gayle (Part-Time)– Head of Music - Experience working in the music industry as Head of Music at InHouse Records.

Natasha Papandreou (Part-Time)- Head of User Engagement – Previous experience as Head of User Engagement.

Opeyemi Popoola (Part-Time)- Director of Operations - Years of industry experience.

Samuel Shiju - Management Intern - previous experience include Accenture. Currently studying towards a Masters in Engineering management. Responsible for technical support.


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To contact PRYNTD, click here.