Valkyrie Industries

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Valkyrie Industries is the maker of the wearable haptic suit (BiFrost) to let users feel, touch and hold objects naturally in virtual simulations. With the primary application in the space robotics market (estimated $4.36bn in 2023), BiFrost has been piloted successfully with a UK space agency.

  • Raised close to $500k in grants & equity to develop first prototype
  • Patent granted in the UK. Filed in China, Japan, EU and the US
  • Featured on Discovery channel, TechCrunch, IDTechEx
  • Our first development kit is ready (TRL 6) to lease for early adopters


Globally Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality market is estimated to reach $1 trillion by 2030, at CAGR of 42.9%. While the major application for VR is found in gaming, it is shaping our future beyond entertainment. Some industrial application including design & engineering for the automotive industry, surgical training for medical doctors and many others.

At Valkyrie Industries, we have developed a wearable haptic suit (BiFrost) to let users feel, touch and hold objects naturally in virtual simulations. Our vision is simple. We want to recreate the human nervous system with technology.

Our first pilot project with a UK Space Agency was a success. The objective of the pilot is to develop a robotic arm to use in space, operated using haptics enhanced VR to transmit information such as pressure, vibration and resistance.

BiFrost is ready for early adoption (TRL 6)

Milestone achieved

  • Completed 2 demos to BMW Startup Garage and Evonik; pilots completed with Storyfutures and UK Space Agency
  • Letter of intent from 7 companies covering both collaborations and leasing of the product
  • Awards: GoTech Awards, The Alconics (shortlist), Jumpstarter

We plan to offer our first development kit BiFrost to early adopters at $10,000 per month, with full technical support.

Funding will be used to continue to develop our technology, support our early adopters and strengthen our IP protection.


Kourosh Atefipour, Co-founder & CEO

Kourosh has years of experience as a designer & engineer. With an MA/MSc in Innovation Design Engineering from Imperial College of London and Royal College of Art, Kourosh has experience of working for Nokia and as Lead Industrial Designer at Xylem.

Dr. Ivan Isakov, Co-founder & CTO

Ivan has years of research experience in silicon electronics, nanotechnology, microfabrication, and flexible electronics. PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from University College London.

Raj Sharma, Observer

With core expertise in the fashion, textiles and garment industries, Raj brings an excellent set of skills to bring Valkyrie’s wearable technology to life.


Bay McLaughlin

With his experience as a Business Partner at Apple, Bay helps the team as an advisor in investment, fundraising and pitch coaching.

Les Gill

With years of experience in the engineering and manufacturing sectors, Les brings contracts and potential partnership interest to Valkyrie.

Dr Katya Mileva

A Professor and the Director of Sport and Exercise Science Research Centre, London South Bank University.

Dr Ali Asadipour

Ali is the Academic Lead in Computer Science at the Royal College of Art. His innovative training interface was shortlisted by Innovate UK as one of the top three choices for enhanced medical training and care challenge.