The Problem

It takes music creators months and $1,000s to create a song. Why? It's very expensive and time-consuming to hire session musicians.

Note: a music creator is anyone who creates music. e.g. music producer, composer or singer/songwriter.

The Solution

Enabling music creators to produce better songs in a matter of days, for a fraction of the cost.

With the world's best session musicians, all under one simple subscription.

Musiversal Studio

The world's first fully remove recording studio. A managed marketplace for every music production service you need. One simple and affordable subscription.

Why now?

More people are consuming music than ever before; more people are making more music than ever before.

Offline recording studios are becoming a thing of the past; remote collaboration is the new way to make music.

Business Model

A $1 billion valuation is achievable within the next 4 years.