
CTI Logistics Limited provides transport and logistics services in Australia. It operates through three segments: Transport, Logistics, and Property. The company offers transport services, such as courier, parcel distribution, taxi truck, fleet management, heavy haulage, line haul, container handling, and freight forwarding services. It also provides flooring logistics services; and warehousing and distribution services, including contracted distribution center, overflow warehousing, temperature controlled storage and delivery, pick and pack, bulk product storage, external laydown area storage, stock control management, and quarantine inspection and processing services. In addition, the company offers temperature controlled storage, warehousing, and distribution services for wine, and food and health products; and logistical support services to the minerals and energy sector. Further, it provides security systems and services comprising electronic alarms, CCTVs, and access control systems for residential and commercial premises; and records management services consisting of document and archive storage, core sample storage, data and media storage, imaging and scanning, scheduled pickup and deliveries, and document destruction, as well as provides online access to reports and file activities. Additionally, the company offers shredding and recycling services; and wrapping services, including cleaning of plant and equipment, fumigation and spraying services, and sealed quarantine wrapping. The company is also involved in the rental of owner-occupied and investment properties. CTI Logistics Limited was founded in 1972 and is based in West Perth, Australia.

References and notesEdit

  1. Source: Yahoo Finance.