
Usual call for documentation of a single module, like a replacement for the usual documentation page, would be like this


In the actual code there will be specially formatted comments. All comments acted upon by this use a single line comment followed by an at sign (@) and a tag name. (Is there any reason why we should use other kinds of comments? They are useful for commenting out blocks? How to describe local functions? Should inline docs be used, those can be supported by wikitext?)

Note that all text is processed as wikitext, and it is possible to link internally and externally as seems fit. This also creates some problems as part of the text will have spaces or page breaks in odd places.

A summary-line is prefixed by three (3) hyphens (dashes), and double as a marker for the place where the code is to be divided into chunks. The stuff in each chunk is processed separately. The summary will be marked as such, and it will be possible to use it as a fragment identifier.

A tag is prefixed by two (2) hyphens (dashes), optional spaces, a single at-sign (@) and a tag name. The following text can be further split and given special markup.

A single line comment following a summary or tag will be joined with the preceding line. If the line contains text it will be joined with a dividing space, if it is empty it will add a newline. The newline can be further processed and given special markup.

Recognized tags can be removed from the document flow or left in place, as seems fit for the processed chunk of text. Those removed from the document can be added to separate lists for separate processing or rejected altogether.

Unrecognized tags will be rendered in place with a generic mechanism.

All tags with a leading x- will be rejected, no matter if they can be recognized or not.

Available tagsEdit

A series of different tags are recognized. They capture words or other constructs, and will process the captures specially. The captures will be formatted and linked as necessary. The remaining text is treated as ordinary wikitext.

If a tag taking captures fails to detect a capture, then possible captures will be successively pushed out, ultimately pushing all possible captures into the following text. This can be used in some cases to avoid using a specific capture, but is an indication that the documentation is broken.

It is the intention to support the listed tags, but others can be added later. The block tags from JSdoc could be a source for additional entries.[1]

Identify the author of an item. Authors are those that have contributed with content to the item.
Document some copyright information. Copyright is an identification of the entity that is allowed to set the license.
Identify the license that applies to this code. The license is the document that says why a module can be reused.
Document the history of ownership for the module. Link this to the external source if suitable.
@release? (alt @version)
Identify the release or version number of an item. This is necessary for imported modules.
@since? [date|version|revision]
Document when this feature was added. The date, version, or revision when some functionality was added.
@deprecated? [date|version|revision]
Document when this feature was deprecated. The date, version, or revision is when some functionality become deprecated.
@var? [word|descriptor]
Describe a variable definition. First field is a type declaration. This implies a variable-class. (Not sure about this one, its like the signature of the function.)
@field* [word|descriptor]
Describe a table field definition. First field is a type declaration. This implies a variable-class.
@param* [word|descriptor] (alt @arg, @argument)
Document the parameter to a function. First field is a type declaration. This implies a function-class.
@returns* (alt @return)
Document the return values of a function. Since Lua can return multiple values, this tag could appear more than once. This implies a function-class.
Refer to some other documentation for more information. This tag spawns an entry possibly with links in a navigation box.
@usage <text>
Describe the usage of the function or variable. This is one of several such free sections. The tag will be localized as necessary. (Not sure about this one, perhaps name the individual modifiers.)
  • * Zero or more entries
  • + One or more entries
  • ? Zero or one entry

Inferred tagsEdit

Some tags will be extracted from the following block of code if missing (it is the intention to support these)

@class <word>
The first documentation block will be assumed to be of class module, and later ones will have classes inferred from the code block unless it is specified explicitly.
@description <text>
The description is the documentation following the summary, but can be set explicitly. (Not sure if this should be described here, and if it should have a tag.)
@name <word>
The name of the function or table definition. This is usually inferred from simple code analysis, and the programmer does not need to define it. (The programmer should not add it at all.)
@access <word>
Whether the function or variable is public or private. This will be error prone if inferred from the code.
@signature <line>
A signature inferred from a single line of code.

Additional commentsEdit

There are available block comments in Lua, and they can also be used in code documented with LuaDoc. The commented blocks will be removed before further processing, making the resulting documentation stripped down to the bare running code.

In Lua a block comment starts like --[[ and run until the corresponding ]]. Actually, if we add an additional leading hyphen then the comment will be turned into a single line comment. That leads to a situation whereby the following code can comment out a piece of code

    print(10)         -- no action (comment)

Now, if we add a single hyphen to the first line, the code is in again:

    print(10)         --> 10

To formalize this a little we will say that LuaDoc only act upon comments that are on a line by themselves. Other block comments are simply left as they are.

Block comments can be specified a bit more, leading to nested comments. The regex we are using for block comments is like \n%s*\-\-%b[](=*)&[].*\]\1\]

External linksEdit

This code is work in progress, with all the problems that imply.
Note that documentation in this module is made to test various aspects of the
module itself. Because of this the documentation isn't complete, and can even
be bogus.

--- Format documentation of a module and make it linkable
-- The module makes some assumptions about the layout, basically the same as
-- [[JavaDoc]] and [[LuaDoc]], but does not follow those examples strictly. Especially,
-- it makes no attempt to do a deeper analysis of the provided code.
-- @author [[User:Jeblad]]
-- @copyright []
-- @license [ Creative Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported] (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
local luadoc = {}

-- don't pollute with globals

--- Registry for fragment types
local fragTypes = {}

--- Registry for access points
local access = {}

--- Table acting as a baseclass for fragments
-- @access private
-- @var ..?
-- @field _class string acting as a class marker for the fragment
-- @field _summary table holding the summary (the first line of the description) for the fragment
-- @field _description table holding the description (the remaining text of the description) for the fragment
local Frag = {}
Frag.__index = Frag

setmetatable(Frag, {
  __call = function (cls, ...)
    local self = setmetatable({}, cls)
    return self

--- Initialiser for the Frag class
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Frag:_init( t )
  self['_class'] = t['_class']
  self['_weight'] = t['_weight']
  self['_summary'] = t['_summary']
  self['_description'] = t['_description']

--- Weight of the given class viewed as a possible Frag instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Frag.weightOfClass( t )
	local weight = 0
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassSignature( t['_code'] )
	return weight

--- Weight of the given description viewed as a possible Frag instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Frag.weightOfClassDescription( s )
	local weight = 0
	return weight

--- Weight of the given signature viewed as a possible Frag instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Frag.weightOfClassSignature( s )
	local weight = 0
	return weight

--- Render method for the class member field
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
function Frag:renderClass( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-tagline' )
	:wikitext( self['_class'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the weight member field
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
function Frag:renderWeight( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-weight' )
	:wikitext( self['_weight'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the summary member field
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
function Frag:renderSummary( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-summary' )
	:wikitext( self['_summary'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the description member field
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
function Frag:renderDescription( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-description' )
	:wikitext( self['_description'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the total Frag structure
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
-- @return table the extended parent
function Frag:render( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-fragment' )
	return html

--- Table acting as a subclass for varables
-- @var ..?
-- @field _var string ..?
-- @access private
local Var = {}
Var.__index = Var

fragTypes['variable'] = Var

setmetatable(Var, {
  __index = Frag,
  __call = function (cls, ...)
    local self = setmetatable({}, cls)
    return self

--- Initialiser for the Var class
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Var:_init( t )
  Frag._init(self, t)
  self['_var'] = t['_var']

--- Weight of the given class viewed as a possible Var instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Var.weightOfClass( t )
	local weight = 0
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassSignature( t['_code'] )
	return weight

--- Weight of the given description viewed as a possible Var instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Var.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	local weight = 0
	if not t then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassDescription(t)
	weight = weight + (t._class == 'variable' and 100 or 0)
	weight = weight + (t._var and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight + (t._field and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._param and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._return and 50 or 0)
	return weight

--- Weight of the given signature viewed as a possible Var instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Var.weightOfClassSignature( s )
	local weight = 0
	if not s then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassSignature(s)
	local exclude = {
		['function'] = true,
	local loc, nme = s:match('(local)%s+([_%a][_%a%d]*)')
	if loc and not exclude[nme] then
		weight = weight + 25
	local nme, eqv = s:match('([_%a][_%a%d]*)%s+(=)')
	if eqv and not exclude[nme] then
		weight = weight + 25
	return weight

function Var:renderVar( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-variable' )
	:wikitext( self['_var'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the total Var structure
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
-- @return table the extended parent
function Var:render( t )
	local html = Frag.render(self, t)
	return html

--- Table acting as a subclass for modules
-- @var ..?
-- @access private
local Mod = {}
Mod.__index = Mod

fragTypes['module'] = Mod

setmetatable(Mod, {
  __index = Frag,
  __call = function (cls, ...)
    local self = setmetatable({}, cls)
    return self

--- Initialiser for the Mod class
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Mod:_init( t )
  Frag._init(self, t)

--- Weight of the given class viewed as a possible Frag instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Mod.weightOfClass( t )
	local weight = 0
	weight = weight + Mod.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	weight = weight + Mod.weightOfClassSignature( t['_code'] )
	return weight

--- Weight of the given description viewed as a possible Mod instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Mod.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	local weight = 0
	if not t then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassDescription(t)
	weight = weight + (t._class == 'module' and 100 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._var and 10 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._field and 10 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._param and 10 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._return and 10 or 0)
	return weight

--- Weight of the given signature viewed as a possible Mod instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Mod.weightOfClassSignature( s )
	local weight = 0
	if not s then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassSignature(s)
	if s:match('^[ \t]*[\n\r]') then
		weight = weight + 25
	return weight

--- Render method for the total Mod structure
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
-- @return table the extended parent
function Mod:render( t )
	local html = Frag.render(self, t)
	return html

--- Table acting as a subclass for modules
-- @var ..?
-- @access private
local Ret = {}
Ret.__index = Ret

fragTypes['return'] = Ret

setmetatable(Ret, {
  __index = Frag,
  __call = function (cls, ...)
    local self = setmetatable({}, cls)
    return self

--- Initialiser for the ret class
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Ret:_init( t )
  Frag._init(self, t)

--- Weight of the given class viewed as a possible Ret instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Ret.weightOfClass( t )
	local weight = 0
	weight = weight + Ret.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	weight = weight + Ret.weightOfClassSignature( t['_code'] )
	return weight

--- Weight of the given description viewed as a possible ret instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Ret.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	local weight = 0
	if not t then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassDescription(t)
	return weight

--- Weight of the given signature viewed as a possible Ret instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Ret.weightOfClassSignature( s )
	local weight = 0
	if not s then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Frag.weightOfClassSignature(s)
	if s:match('(return)%s+([_%a][_%a%d]*)') then
		weight = weight + 25
	return weight

--- Render method for the total Ret structure
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
-- @return table the extended parent
function Ret:render( t )
	local html = Frag.render(self, t)
	return html

--- Table acting as a subclass for functions
-- @var ..?
-- @field _param table holding all params to the function
-- @field _return table holding all returns from the function
-- @access private
local Func = {}
Func.__index = Func

fragTypes['function'] = Func

setmetatable(Func, {
  __index = Frag,
  __call = function (cls, ...)
    local self = setmetatable({}, cls)
    return self

--- Initialiser for the Func class
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Func:_init( t )
  Frag._init(self, t)
  self['_param'] = t['_param']
  self['_return'] = t['_return']

--- Weight of the given class viewed as a possible Func instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Func.weightOfClass( t )
	local weight = 0
	weight = weight + Func.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	weight = weight + Func.weightOfClassSignature( t['_code'] )
	return weight

--- Weight of the given description viewed as a possible Func instance
-- @param t table holding data used during initialization
function Func.weightOfClassDescription( t )
	local weight = 0
	if not t then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassDescription(t)
	weight = weight + (t._class == 'function' and 100 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._var and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight - (t._field and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight + (t._param and 50 or 0)
	weight = weight + (t._return and 50 or 0)
	return weight

--- Weight of the given signature viewed as a possible Func instance
-- @param s string holding a code snippet
function Func.weightOfClassSignature( s )
	local weight = 0
	if not s then
		return weight
	weight = weight + Var.weightOfClassSignature(s)
	local include = {
		['function'] = true,
	local loc, nme = s:match('(local)%s+([_%a][_%a%d]*)')
	if loc and include[nme] then
		weight = weight + 25
	local eqv,nme = s:match('(=)%s+([_%a][_%a%d]*)')
	if eqv and include[nme] then
		weight = weight + 25
	return weight

function Func:renderParam( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-parameter' )
	:wikitext( self['_param'] )
	return html

function Func:renderReturn( t )
	local html = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	:addClass( 'luadoc-return' )
	:wikitext( self['_return'] )
	return html

--- Render method for the total Func structure
-- @param parent table reference to the containing element
-- @param t table for optional data used while rendering
-- @return table the parent make the method chainable
-- @return table the extended parent
function Func:render( t )
	local html = Frag.render(self, t)
	return html

--- Load page identified by text and namespace
-- @since somedate
-- @param text string base name and any subparts
-- @param namespace string containing the namespace on a valid form
-- @return string in a raw form according to the content model
-- @throw string verbatim 'Unknown' if can't find a valid title object
-- @throw string verbatim 'Got no content' if can't get content
local function loadDoc( text, namespace )
	local title = text, namespace )
	assert( title, 'Unknown title')
	local content = title:getContent()
	assert( content, 'Got no content' )
	return content

--- Create a fragment according to a best guess
-- @param frag table containing a single fragment
-- @return table as a subclass of Frag
local function createFragment( frag )
	local maxWeight = -1000
	local clss = nil
	local name = nil
	for k,v in pairs(fragTypes) do
		local weight = v.weightOfClass( frag )
		if weight > maxWeight then
			maxWeight = weight
			clss = v
			name = k

	frag._weight = maxWeight
	if maxWeight>=0 then
		frag._class = name
		return clss( frag )
		--return Frag( frag )
	frag._class = 'unknown'
	return Frag(frag)

--- Strip provided code for block comments
-- @since somedate
-- @param code string providing the program
-- @return string clensed for block comments
local function stripBlockComments( code )
	local collapse = function(s) return s:gsub('^%-%-%[(=*)%[.*]%1%]$', '') end
	return code:gsub('(%-%-+%b[])', collapse)

--- Split provided code in fragments
-- @x-access public this should be public if everything works out
-- @since somedate
-- @param code string providing the program
-- @return table of fragments
local function splitOutFragments( code )
	local fragments = {}
	local fragNum = 0
	for slice in mw.text.gsplit(code, "\n%s*%-%-%-%s*") do
		fragNum = 1+fragNum
		if not slice:match('^%s*$') then
			local fragment = { ['_description'] = { '' }, ['_code'] = { '' } }
			if fragNum == 1 then
				fragment._class = #fragment == 1 and 'module' or 'unknown'
				slice = slice:gsub( '^%s*%-%-%-[\ \t]*([^\n\r]+)[\n\r]*',
					function(str) fragment._summary = str; return '' end )
				fragment._class = #fragment == 1 and 'module' or 'unknown'
				slice = slice:gsub( '^%s*([^\n\r]+)[\n\r]*',
					function(str) fragment._summary = str; return '' end )
			local last = '_description'
			for line in slice:gmatch( '([^\n\r]+)' ) do
				if line:match( '^%s*%-%-' ) then
					local attr, text = line:match( '^%s*%-%-%s*@(%a+)%s+(.*)$' )
					if attr then
						last = '_'..attr
						if not fragment[last] then
							fragment[last] = {}
						fragment[last][1+#fragment[last]] = text
						local text = line:match( '^%s*%-%-%s*(.*)$' )
						if fragment[last][#fragment[last]]:match('^%s*$') then
							fragment[last][#fragment[last]] = text
							local joiner = text:match('^%s*$') and '\n' or ' '
							fragment[last][#fragment[last]] =
								fragment[last][#fragment[last]] .. joiner .. text
					last = '_code'
					fragment[last][#fragment[last]] =
						fragment[last][#fragment[last]] .. '\n' .. line
			fragment._description = fragment._description and table.concat(fragment._description, '\n') or nil
			fragment._code = fragment._code and table.concat(fragment._code, '\n') or nil
			if fragment._access then
				local access = { ['public'] = 0, ['private'] = 0 }
				for _,v in ipairs(fragment._access) do
					access[v] = (access[v] or 0) + 500
				fragment._access = access
			fragments[1+#fragments] = fragment
	return fragments

--- Parse provided code
-- @x-access public this will be private if everything works out
-- @deprecated somedate this call will not be used
-- @param code string providing the program
-- @return table of fragments
local function parseCode( code )
	local fragments = {}
	local fragment = { ["_class"] = 'module', ["lines"] = 0 }
	local last = nil
	for line in code:gmatch( '([^\n]+)' ) do
		local desc = line:match( '^\s*%-%-%-\s*(.+)' )
		if desc then
			if fragment.lines > 0 then
				fragments[1+#fragments] = parseFragment( fragment )
				fragment = { ["_class"] = nil, ["lines"] = 0 }
			fragment ={}
			last = '_description'
			fragment[last] = desc
			if line:match( '^\s*--' ) then
				local attr, text = line:match( '^\s*%-%-\s*@(\w+)\s+(.*)' )
				if attr then
					last = '_'..attr
					if not fragment[last] then
						fragment[last] = {}
					fragment[last][1+#fragment[last]] = text
					local text = line:match( '^\s*--\s*(.*)' )
					fragment[last][#fragment[last]] = text
				last = '_code'
				fragment[last] = line
	-- @todo check if last fragment is empty
	return fragments

if 1 or _G['_BDD'] then
	luadoc.Frag = Frag
	luadoc.Mod = Mod
	luadoc.Ret = Ret
	luadoc.Var = Var
	luadoc.Func = Func
	luadoc.loadDoc = loadDoc
	luadoc.createFragment = createFragment

--- Invokable method to build a document
-- @access public
-- @param frame table for contextual information
-- @return string for display on a rendered page
function frame )
	local docs = {}
	for _,v in ipairs( frame.args ) do
		local str = mw.text.trim( v )
		if str == '' then
			-- do nothing
			-- local name or canonical name, at english only canonical name
			if str:match( '^[mM]odule:' ) then
				local namespace = str:match( '^(%S-)%s*:' )
				local text = str:match( ':%s*(.-)%s*$' )
				local code = loadDoc( text, namespace )
				local stripped = stripBlockComments( code )
				docs[1+#docs] = splitOutFragments( stripped )
	local parent = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	for _,frags in ipairs( docs ) do
		for _,v in ipairs( frags ) do
			--local pre = mw.html.create( 'pre' )
			local frag = createFragment(v)
	return parent

--- Final return of the provided module
return luadoc