the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity
  • is in the administrative unit
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
located in the administrative territorial entity
the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity
  • is in the administrative unit

Data type



Q56061 (Deleted Item)
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Q18615777 (Deleted Item)
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Q18647519 (Deleted Item)
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Q18647515 (Deleted Item)
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Q70564278 (Deleted Item)
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You only need to add the most local admin territory, but check that item also has a P131, with the next level, and so on. (English)
0 references
Es sollte nur die unterste Verwaltungsebene angegeben werden, diese sollte aber per P131 mit der nächst höheren Ebene verknüpft sein. Für statistische Gebietseinheiten P276 verwenden. (Deutsch)
0 references
Anda hanya perlu menambahkan wilayah paling kecil, namun harap cek apakah butir tersebut juga mempunyai atribut P131 untuk tingkat wilayah berikutnya, dan begitu seterusnya (Bahasa Indonesia)
0 references
Stačí vyplnit administrativní jednotku nejnižší vyšší úrovně, ujistěte se však, že i tato jednotka má řádně vyplněnu vlastnost P131, (čeština)
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이 속성을 추가할 땐 가장 낮은 단계의 행정 구역 항목만 추가하세요. 그 항목이 이 P131을 가지고 있는지, 계속 P131의 항목을 거슬러 올라가다보면 최상위 행정 구역 항목이 나오는지도 확인해주세요. 또한, 행정 구역이 아닌 값을 쓰고 싶거나, 사건이 일어난 장소를 쓰고 싶다면 '위치'(P276) 속성을 대신 써주세요. (한국어)
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Solmente le entitate territorial administrative le plus local debe esser specificate, sed per favor verifica que ille entitate etiam ha un P131 que indica le proxime nivello superior. (interlingua)
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Alleen de laagste bestuurlijke eenheid toevoegen (meestal de gemeente); en ervoor zorg dragen dat dit item ook een P131 bevat zodat er een correcte reeks ontstaat. Gebruik P276 voor wijken en buurten en P706 voor eilanden, bergen, bossen en andere natuurlijke objecten in het landschap. (Nederlands)
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您只需要添加管理相关项的最低级行政单位,但请确保作为值的项也拥有P131,且连接到上级行政单位项中。 (中文(简体))
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Wystarczy dodać jednostkę najniższego rzędu (miejscowość lub jej część), ale upewnij się, że posiada ona zdefiniowaną właściwość P131 (jednostkę wyższego rzędu). (polski)
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Det er kun den laveste administrative enheten som skal angis. Men enheten over skal også ha verdi for P131. (norsk bokmål)
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sólo se debe añadir la entidad territorial más local, pero compruebe que ese elemento también tiene un P131, con el siguiente nivel, y así sucesivamente. (español)
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Vous avez seulement besoin d'ajouter l'entité administrative juste au dessus et vérifier que celle ci est bien elle aussi reliée au-dessus par P131 (français)
0 references
só se precisa achegar a entidade territorial inmediatamente superior, pero é necesario verificar que o elemento co que se liga xa estea ben ligado á súa vez co nivel inmediatamente superior facendo uso da propiedade P131 (galego)
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Det er kun den laveste administrative enhed som skal angives. Men enheden over skal også have en værdi for P131. (dansk)
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您只需要添加管理相關項的最低級行政單位,但請確保作為值的項也擁有P131,且連結到上級行政單位項中。 (中文(繁體))
0 references
Add the most local admin territory/territories, but check that item also has a P131, with the next level, and so on. (British English)
0 references
Додайте найбільш локальну адміністративну територію (території), але переконайтесь, що той елемент також має P131, і т.д. (українська)
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該当する中で最も詳細な行政区画の項目のみを指定します。その際、指定した項目が当プロパティP131を有していることを、繰り返し確認してください(町字→町村→郡→都道府県、町字→行政区→政令市→道府県など)。 (日本語)
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Треба да ја ставите само најмесната административна единица, но осигурајте се дека предметот исто така има P131, која пак го има следниот степен погоре итн. (македонски)
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Q23908987 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
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Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
Q15184295 (Deleted Item)
Q13406463 (Deleted Item)
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Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510865 (Deleted Item)
Q56061 (Deleted Item)
Q64034456 (Deleted Item)
Q30070324 (Deleted Item)
Q15617994 (Deleted Item)
relation English
Q30208840 (Deleted Item)
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Q52558054 (Deleted Item)
Q634099 (Deleted Item)
Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
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Q21510864 (Deleted Item)
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Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
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Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
Q59712033 (Deleted Item)
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Q42533293 (Deleted Item)
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Q66004864 (Deleted Item)
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administrativt område (svenska)
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administrative unit (English)
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beliggende i (dansk)
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Q24025284 (Deleted Item)
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