full street address that the subject is located at. Include building number through to post code, use also P669 if the street is known as a separate element
  • address
  • street address
  • physical address
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
located at street address
full street address that the subject is located at. Include building number through to post code, use also P669 if the street is known as a separate element
  • address
  • street address
  • physical address

Data type

Monolingual text


Q18615777 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q22984363 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q24239898 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q26935994 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q57955292 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q19847637 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21503250 (Deleted Item)
Q618123 (Deleted Item)
Q43229 (Deleted Item)
Q327333 (Deleted Item)
Q41298 (Deleted Item)
Q17537576 (Deleted Item)
collection English
Q177634 (Deleted Item)
relation English
Q21503252 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
Use "residence" (P551) on main value (English)
0 references
Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
Q59712033 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q21510851 (Deleted Item)
Address formats can vary quite widely, and in some countries features such as phone numbers or milestone inscriptions can be considered components of street addresses. In cases like these, it makes sense to also encode this information with appropriate qualifiers. (English)
0 references
Q54554025 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
PO Box English
0 references
0 references
floor number English
0 references
0 references
Q24574749 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q319608 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q79007 (Deleted Item)
0 references
Q35525 (Deleted Item)
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 (English)
0 references
Q3204568 (Deleted Item)
Palais Garnier, place Jacques-Rouché, 75009 Paris (français)
0 references
Q19882251 (Deleted Item)
37, Gopal Lal Tagore Road, Baranagar, Kolkata - 700036 (mul)
1 reference
Q19882251 (Deleted Item)
Q500681 (Deleted Item)
〒100-0001 東京都千代田区千代田1番1号 (日本語)
0 references
Q151897 (Deleted Item)
Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin (Deutsch)
0 references
Via Martiri della Libertà, 48, 31100 Treviso TV (italiano)
0 references
unknown value
0 references
Q61764320 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references
Q44601380 (Deleted Item)
0 references
0 references