collection that have works of this artist
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
has works in the collection(s)
collection that have works of this artist

    Data type



    Q21503250 (Deleted Item)
    relation English
    Q21503252 (Deleted Item)
    Q16334295 (Deleted Item)
    Q21510865 (Deleted Item)
    relation English
    Q21503252 (Deleted Item)
    collection English
    Q166118 (Deleted Item)
    Q33506 (Deleted Item)
    Q17312283 (Deleted Item)
    Q88667167 (Deleted Item)
    Q15090615 (Deleted Item)
    Q464980 (Deleted Item)
    Q27918607 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q111339517 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q83404986 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    use when an organisation has creative works of this person or organisation in their collection. use archive location P485 for archives of this person or organisation. for libraries to be used for the special collection with unique books only. (English)
    0 references