property to indicate a page number of a pdf file or similar. The page number is sometimes different from the numbering of the text reproduced in the document. Should allow to link the page when combined with the file URL English
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
No label defined
No description defined

    Data type



    Q52848401 (Deleted Item)
    Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21510860 (Deleted Item)
    maximum value English
    minimum value English
    0 references
    Q21514353 (Deleted Item)
    no value
    Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
    Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
    Q59712033 (Deleted Item)
    Q51885771 (Deleted Item)
    Q54285715 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
    Q54828449 (Deleted Item)
    Q54828450 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    Q15720608 (Deleted Item)
    0 references