country, state, department, canton or other administrative division of which the municipality is the governmental seat
Language Label Description Also known as
British English
capital of
country, state, department, canton or other administrative division of which the municipality is the governmental seat

    Data type



    0 references
    Q18615777 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q23908994 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21510855 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
    Q1131299 (Deleted Item)
    Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21503247 (Deleted Item)
    Q16507528 (Deleted Item)
    Lugdunum English
    Q1131299 (Deleted Item)
    Q62026391 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21502838 (Deleted Item)
    Q43229 (Deleted Item)
    Q13433827 (Deleted Item)
    Q21502408 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q25796498 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q21510865 (Deleted Item)
    Q56061 (Deleted Item)
    Q64034456 (Deleted Item)
    Q20750954 (Deleted Item)
    relation English
    Q30208840 (Deleted Item)
    1 reference
    Q504373 (Deleted Item)
    Q52004125 (Deleted Item)
    Q29934200 (Deleted Item)
    0 references
    Q53869507 (Deleted Item)
    Q54828448 (Deleted Item)
    0 references